HHC is to THC, what margarine is to butter. HHC stands for hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol. There are several isomers of this hydrogenated form of THC. By saturating the molecule with…
We know by now you’ve heard of CBD (cannabidiol), the trending health supplement that is bound to make you feel happier and healthier. Have you…
CBD stores are not all created equal. People in West Frisco, TX can buy CBD online from CBD American Shaman of West Frisco and have…
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound derived from cannabis plants. CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoid compounds that can be found in these plants.…
What to Look for When Buying CBD | A Guide to Achieving Better HealthIf you’re a regular consumer of CBD, it’s important to know that…
The quality of CBD Oil you purchase is dependent mainly on the kind of CBD store you patronize. While some stores sell high-quality oil, some sell…
Do a quick Google search and it’s easy to see that many people run into a common obstacle when it comes to consuming CBD, the…
With Hemp “The Miracle Plant” you can make rope, paper, clothing, blankets, medicine, food, and so much more! Hemp, also called industrial hemp, refers to…
Cannabidiol, or CBD Oil, is a non-intoxicating portion of the cannabis plant. It has generated an interest among West Frisco, TX residents, scientists and physicians…
What Is CBG? CBG, or cannabigerol, is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, including the hemp plants used to produce hemp oil. All strains…